The African / Kemetic Faiths
The Kemetic Faith
The Kemetic Faith is a 'body of knowledge, rituals and beliefs' put in action to achieve 'Optimal Life' for everyone and everything. The Faith is composed of several 'expressions of emphasis' (divisions and branches) - including the Ausarian Faith, Tenetian Faith, Ra (Solar) Faith, Sacred Mother Faith, Ancestor Faith, Bes Faith, Min Faith (Sacred Fish), etc.
The Kemetic Faith derives from much older African faiths - Sacred Mother, Sacred Cow, Bes Faith, Solar Faith, Sacred Fish Faith, etc. The Kemetic Faith in essence introduced the 'Third World Order' (the Third Word ) in the embodiment and deeds of Ntcher Ausar, who introduced agriculture and the elements of civilization to humanity. Referred to here as Kemet Way or the Ausarian Faith, it is this faith that revolutionized humanities existence with the provision of food, resources and comfort in abundance via the agricultural-based faith.
The Ausarian Faith
The Ausarian Faith is an agricultural-based faith introduced by Ausar, which initiated the transition from hunter-gatherer, pastoral, nomadic, and fishing societies and economies to a more prosperous one founded on agriculture. The Ausarian Faith facilitated disparate communities uniting into villages and city/states, administered by a central government, from centrally established institutions (temples). The Ausarian Faith introduced writing (Mdw Ntr), the annual (365-day) calendar, the city/state/nation, etc The Ausarian Faith, with the sanction of the Ennead - both Higher Ennead and Lower Ennead - ushered in a new 'world order' on Earth - i.e. a transition from dependency on the Elements Ntcheru, to that of human empowerment to produce for self and 'human responsibility'.
In the Ausarian Faith, Ausar and the agricultural-base economy take precedence, however, the faith includes the Sacred Mother Faith - represented by Ntcher Auset, and Ntcher Het-Heru; the Sacred Cow Faith, in which animal husbandry is the primary force of the economy - represented by Ntcher Het-Heru and to a lesser extent Ntcheru Ausar (Royal Bull) and Ntcher Auset (Royal Cow); the (Solar) Faith - represented by Ntcher Ra, and Ntcher Anu; the Sacred Fish Faith - represented by Ntcher Min and Ntcher Ausar (Sacred Fish). The Ausarian Faith includes the Ancestor Faiths among others. Each faith has it associated 'body of knowledge, rituals and beliefs'. The Faiths are not contradictory nor in conflict with each other.
Tenetian Faith
The Tenetian Faith is an animal husbandry based faith; it is derived from the Faith Of The Sacred Cow. The Faith of the Sacred Cow is one of the oldest African Faiths; it marks the transition of humanity from solely hunter-gatherers to include that of herding (pastoral) societies. The Sacred Cow Faith existed from Africa to China as a united faith. It was diffused throughout the ancient world by the Anu of inner-Africa. Under the Sacred Cow Faith communities of the ancient world co-existed within their respective territories. The communities engaged in enlarging the herds (the source of food and wealth), trading goods and services, collective defense against invaders and poachers.
The Tenetian Faith held animal husbandry to be the primary force in the economy. In the Tenetian Faith the Ntcher Tena (Sacred Cow) - the female principle - is the preeminent Ntcher of the faith.
In the Tenetian Faith, Ntcher Tena and the animal husbandry-based economy take precedence, however, the faith includes the Ausarian Faith - agriculture as the secondary force of the economy - represented by Ntcher Ntcheru Ausar (Royal Bull) and Ntcher Auset (Royal Cow); the (Solar) Faith - represented by Ntcher Ra, and Ntcher Anu; the Sacred Fish Faith - represented by Ntcher Min and Ntcher Ausar (Sacred Fish). The Tenetian Faith includes the Ancestor Faiths among others. Each faith has it associated 'body of knowledge, rituals and beliefs'. The Faiths are not contradictory nor in conflict with each other.
The Sacred Cow Faith was diffused throughout Eurasia and lead by the Tuata-Tenen of Kemet (also known as the Libyans) - hence the Faith is being called the Tenetian Faith. The Tuata-Tenen established the Faith throughout the Mediterranean - including Minoan Crete, and Mycenae - from Western Europe to Russia, to throughout Asia Minor and Asia.
Solar Faith
The Solar Faith, in celebration and deference to creative and nurturing power of the sun, is a very ancient faith that originates from the times when our ancestors were solely hunter-gatherers. During this time our Ancestors viewed the Sun (Ra, Anu) as the creator, who was celebrated for bringing the light that liberated them from vulnerability during the darkness, brought warmth, engendered growth in plants, and good feelings among the people. Ra (in Kemet) and Anu, most everywhere else, are also celebrated as the preeminent Ntcher governing the cosmos-from above Earth to below the abode of Atum / Amen - i.e. Amenta. The Solar Faith is the faith of the 'Spiritual Resurrection'.
Ancestor Faith
The Ancestor Faith is not only universal in the Kemetic Faith but in all African Faiths; it celebrates the spiritual immortality of those who have come and gone; who have contributed to our quality of life; yet, more specifically to our genealogy. Our Ancestors perpetuated the first breath and utterance of Atum to us in both our very own breath and in our utterances that perpetuate creation. The Ancestor Faith is our connection to before.
Sacred Mother Faith
The Faith of the Sacred Mother dates to before twenty-five thousands B.C. The iconography of the Ntcher depicts her a voluptuous female of large breast, buttocks, and stomach, with curled or knotted hair. This faith celebrates life and creation - including the mysterious birth of human beings, and the female generative principle in creating and sustaining life. An outstanding element is the geographic breath of this faith - stretching from south and west Africa, east to China and the Pacific Islands, north of Africa in to Europe (west to France and east to Russia). In other words, African people, in spite of migrating thousands of miles apart remained unified by this faith.
Additionally, the Faith of the Sacred Mother was retained in Ancient Kemet by way of the Ntcher Het-Heru (the Sacred Cow), who was also portrayed with the rotund body of the Sacred Mother and the head of a Cow.
Faith of the Sacred Cow/Bull
The 'Faith of the Sacred Cow / Bull' derives from the days of our hunter-gathering Ancestors who learned to herd animals and their eventual domestication of them. Goats, Lamb, and cows provided enough food to feed groups; with the advent of herding our Ancestors were able to ensure a ready and plentiful food supply. It is in this light that the spirit of the Sacred Cow / Bull came to be revered. In this faith status of, and within, the society was measured by the health and size of the herd.
The 'Faith of the Sacred Cow / Bull' was diffused throughout the ancient world; its impact included a greater supply of food, sedentary, and semi-sedentary lifestyle, increased population growth, the beginning of stone building, and sedentary related crafts - like pottery making.
During the Kemetic Era, the Faith of the Sacred Cow was continued in the celebration of Het-Heru and Ausar (Ausarian Faith), and Tenen and Tenen-T (Tenetian Faith). Adherents of the Tenetian Faith are principally responsible for the diffusion, organization and leadership of the faith (during the Dynastic Era) outside of Kemet - it is they who introduced the faith throughout the Mediterranean (including Minoan and Mycenae), Europe (including Ireland and the British Isles), and throughout Asia (including Indus and Shang societies).
The Faith of Set - Faith of the Hunters
The 'Faith of Set' is mentioned here because his faith is important, though it is greatly misunderstood. Ntcher Set, founder of metallurgy and metal-working, is a predynastic Ntcher associated with metal weapons and hunting; therefore in the hunting (and gathering) society he was preeminent. In the hunter-gathering society, the hunter held status by way of his weapon - its efficacy in hunting, fighting and defence; in this society a great warrior-hunter was revered, and granted superior status. The adoption of the Pastoral or Agricultural society challenged the place and status of the hunter-warrior. It is this, Predynastic, challenge for world sovereignty, that characterized the battle between Ausar/Heru (Ausarian Faith - agriculture) and Set (hunter-gatherer).
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