

AKCO - Association of Kemet Centered Organizations

Heru-Ka Anu, Teaching Class

Association of Kemet Centered Organizations

Goal and Objectives:
The Goal of AKCO is to unite Kemet-Centered Organizations in promoting the Kemetic Way of Life, and in the following objectives:
· Create and maintain a dialog among AKCO members
· Support each other in outreach to the African [American] population
· Support each other in providing knowledge and resources about the Kemetic Way of Life
· Exchange of information
· Popularize the Kemetic Way of Life globally
· Protect and defend the Kemetic Way of Life
· Be a clearing-house for Kemet-Centered information, news and events of AKCO members
· Conduct joint projects, activities and events
· And other related activities and endeavors

Who can join AKCO
Kemet-Centered Organizations can join AKCO
Organizations that promote a different African-Way of Life (e.g. Yoruba, Akan, etc) can join AKCO; said organizations will be known as FAKCO - i.e. Friends of AKCO

What is expected of AKCO members
It is expected that member organizations are living and promoting Ankh - the Kemetic Way of Life; and in doing so adhere to the tenets of Ausar and the Lesser Ennead:
· Unite and organize
· Create and share abundance
· Respect, honor and perpetuate life and creation
· Establish right and truth
· Cultivate knowledge and genius

For membership or additional information contact the Chair of AKCO - Heru-Ka Anu by email at:

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