
Enjoy the Fruits of the
The Ankh Festival™
and Kemetic New Year Celebration

Welcome to KemetWay.Com
Info-Site on the 'Kemetic Way Of Life' - Ancient and Modern


KemetWay website is a source for information on Ancient Kemet (Africa’s 3rd oldest civilization) – its ‘Way of Life’, Society, History, Culture, Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality, and more.

KemetWay website focuses on the African origins and foundation of civilizations and societies that preceded Kemet – the Twa-Khoi-San, and Nubia - and, the many societies that followed.

KemetWay website also features information on KemetWay - the contemporary philosophy and practice of the Kemetic ‘Way of Life’ – including life-style, festivals, ceremonies, classes, news, and events

Hotep! - Welcome

Ancient Kemet (Egypt) Explained

Map of Kemet

Ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) Civilization Resource Center


Ankh Radio

Tune to Ankh Radio Pod Cast for contemporary explorations into the world of Kemet

Ankh - symbol of Optimal Life

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©2004-2021 Ta-Nefer Ankh / site design: African American Media LLC